Muskegon County Cooperating Churches
We are Muskegon County Cooperating Churches
Muskegon County Cooperating Churches (MCCC) is Muskegon County’s oldest and largest ecumenical ministry. Together, we discern needs in the community and create social service programs to meet those needs. We facilitate educational forums, distribute educational and worship resources, and build partnerships.
MCCC organizes community worship events to help celebrate Christian unity in a richly diverse faith community. We provide information services to help connect faith congregations, social agencies, and the broader community.

Our Mission
Moved by the love of Christ, we seek reconciliation and justice for all, reaching across barriers that divide
to alleviate poverty, both spiritual and physical.
Our Programs
Mobile Food Pantry
MCCC helps coordinate the mobile food pantry deliveries coming into our community. We partner with local congregations to bring in food from Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank Inc. Our goal is to provide 40 - 50 pounds of healthy food (fruits & vegetables, bakery items, and dairy) for each family. Use of the mobile food pantries allows families to save their own resources to pay other bills.
Muskegon Depot Delivery
The Muskegon Depot Delivery Program brings food ordered by local pantries to the Mart Dock every other week. To participate, pantries must be certified by Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank, Inc. The Muskegon Depot Delivery Program is supported by a generous gift from the Thomas & Geraldine Seyferth Fund of the Community Foundation for Muskegon County.
Muskegon CROP Hunger Walk
The Muskegon CROP Hunger Walk takes place the first Sunday in October each year. Proceeds from the Walk benefit local hunger-fighting programs and the global hunger relief efforts of Church World Service.
We appreciate your support!
Muskegon County Cooperating Churches is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Get in touch!
1011 2nd Street, Rm B13
Muskegon MI 49440
(231) 727-6000
Monday & Thursday
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
or by appointment